Aphid Control Guide For Trees


Sticky leaves can indicate a pest problem on your trees. The cause is aphids, small pear-shaped insects that feast on the saps and juices in the leaves. The aphids themselves rarely harm the tree, the issue is with the sticky "honeydew" they secrete. It creates the perfect breeding ground for powdery or downy mildew. The following guide can help you spot an aphid problem and provide tips for controlling it.

14 June 2016

3 Good Reasons To Remove A Tree


A tree removal service can benefit you if you ever so happen to be in need of a tree removal. However, how can you determine when it is time to remove a tree? Throughout the course of this brief guide, you will learn of three solid reasons that are all good signs that a tree should be removed from your yard. Pest Infestation An insect or pest infestation can often mean that your tree has passed the point of no return and must simply be removed from your lawn.

13 June 2016

How To Kill Carpenter Ants In Your Oak Trees


Carpenter ants like to burrow into soft and rotting wood. They like to make nests inside of oak trees that are already diseased or compromised. The presence of carpenter ants can prevent a diseased or compromised tree from recovering and continuing to thrive. Here is what you need to do if you have carpenter ants living in any of the oak trees on your property. Locate The Nest The first thing you need to do is locate the nest.

13 June 2016