In areas with snowy winters, evergreen shrubs and trees can provide much needed color to the white landscape. Yet, they will still need some care if they are to survive the snowy months. The heavy weight of snow and ice, in particular, can be quite hard on your evergreens. The following tips will help them get through the cold season unscathed.
Tip #1: Skip the fall pruning
Fall is the worst time to prune your evergreen shrubs and trees, as this leaves them with exposed branch tips that are more prone to winter damage. Pruning is best done in spring, although you can do a maintenance trim in midsummer. When pruning your evergreens, especially when shaping shrubs, opt for a rounded or pointed top as opposed to a flat top. Snow and ice can collect on top of flat-topped shrubs, causing them to split or suffer from broken branches.
Tip #2: Tie up loose branches
Evergreen varieties with loose, upright branches sometimes become overladen with snow, which causes the branches to droop and sometimes break. You can prevent this with the proper use of garden twine. Simply wrap the twine loosely around the evergreen so the branches are held in their proper upright position. This provides the extra support needed to prevent drooping and breakage during heavy snow.
Tip #3: Create a windscreen
If your evergreens are planted in an area that is exposed to cold, drying winter winds, then you may want to consider wrapping or screening them for protection. Smaller shrubs can easily be wrapped in burlap, simply secure it in place with twine. You will want to leave the top and bottom open for air circulation. Alternatively, you can create a screen by sinking tall stakes on either side of the evergreen and then stretching the burlap between them.
Tip #4: Remove snow with care
In most cases it's simply best to leave snow and ice on the shrubs to melt naturally. The exception is if the weight of the snow seems to be too much for the evergreen. In this instance, you may want to speed up mother nature and remove some of the snow yourself. When doing this, use a broom to brush upwards on the branches. Never brush down, as this can bend and snap the frozen branches. Work gently and only remove the snow on the surface, don't try to break through the ice.
For more help, talk to a tree service provider in your area such as R. L. Elliott Enterprises, Inc..
Share28 November 2016
I love and appreciate all of the trees around my home, but I do worry about what will happen during a strong storm. Will I get rudely awakened by by a tree crashing through the roof into my bedroom? Will a tree fall and take down the power lines that my family relies on each day to live our comfortable life? This blog will show you what you need to know before you go cutting down all of the trees on your property to maintain a safe living space and advice for picking and choosing the trees that will remain.